A good nights sleep: It rarely feels like I get a good nights sleep, even though I can get 8 hours. I still wake up feeling exhausted. I mostly attribute this to college stress. But when I do wake up feeling rested, I feel as if I can do anything!
A black gel ink pen: I love writing notes with this pen. I write in cursive alot and this pen makes my letters look even. Also, the richness of this black contrasts very nicely with the white notebook paper I write on.
A clean piece of notebook paper: This is another one of my favorite things. When you turn a page in your notebook, and you stare at the clean, uncrinkled piece of paper with its blue and pink lines, with the black gel ink pen in hand, I cannot wait to fill it with notes! A clean piece of paper probably motivates me the most when I am about to start studying.
Newly dressed bed: What is better than slipping into fresh sheets after a long day?
Hot Coffee: Enough said.
Singing with your best friend in the Car: I love that when you sing with your best friend in the car...and I mean your BEST friend. There is no judgement on how off key you are or how bad you harmonize. Instead of worrying about getting lyrics wrong, you guys both laugh and go with it. There is no pressure to be perfect. We're just both content in the music and our creativity. You sing your heart out. When you are truly comfortable with someone, you'll sing infront of them.
Howdy! : A good howdy, a smile, and a double-take from a cute corp guy is enough to put a smile on my face for the next 2 minutes. I love the quad.
A good smelling boy: Now, I don't mean that one should take a "french bath" or whatever its called and douse themselves with strong cologne, or worse, axe, but a clean and slightly scented male is always a very good and enjoyable thing. It shows that one cares about their personal hygiene. Also, this welcomes many lingering hugs from females :)
Crochet accessories: They're just pretty and they have a hand-made, hard worked feel.
A good prayer: Its sometimes like talking with your best friend, and afterwards you feel free-er and lighter. When I think of God, I don't think of a glowing dude in robes (sounds like a mix between Edward Cullen and Harry Potter.. EW!!). Have you ever seen Joan of Arcadia? God manifests himself as many different kinds of people: A little girl on a playground, an old woman on a bus, a janitor. Its an interesting concept. I imagine God as a loving figure with wisdom and kindness. He is not about punishment or guilt. He is about grace and understanding and unconditional love.
A little kids hug: I love it when they throw their little arms around your neck and bury their head in your shoulder. They are so innocent and adorable.
Changing of leaves in the Fall: The colors are magnificent. I really feel like God uses some dramatic artistry here. Very nice God.
When my Dog curls next to me and rests his head in my lap: This is especially nice when there is no food present. It means that he really just wants to be with me, not because he knows he can sucker me up and have me feed him.
Holding hands and a head on the shoulder: Its almost a vulnerable gesture, but it is okay. Its resting and finding comfort in another's presence.
Christmas lights: I LOVE driving around at night with hot cocoa, looking at all the neighborhood lights, with christmas music playing in the background.
A soft, light, and tender kiss: One where you can feel the care and love in it.One that makes you dizzy. One that makes you feel cherished.
And then I don't feel so bad.