Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I am Livi and I am on a quest, a pursuit to root myself in something constant and deeper. I have found that I look for my self worth through my activities and other people, the nature of my relationships and grades. What I have so recently discovered, however, is that all these things are not constant and life has a way of throwing your plans and hopes and dreams down the drain when they were something you invested so much in. As a freshman in college, hit with all kinds of change at once, I find myself desperately trying to cling to something solid and constant. What is solid and constant in this life?

Now, I'm not trying to be righteous, or better, or smarter, or cooler, or funner (!!!), but I am simply trying to find self-worth is something that is not so fleeting. I want to be happier more times than I am sad, and this, I now believe, comes from basing my self-worth and value in a place of constant love and compassion and grace, not in another person, alcohol, drugs, clothes, beauty, social status, or organizations. This is a new chapter of my life, I'm turning over a new leaf, and I am going take this time here in college to learn how to love God and myself so that I can love-my family, my friends, and someday...the man I am going to marry-Right. I will fail, but I am trying. I want to be the best version of me.
I'm Livi.
I promise to be real with you,
This is my heart,
and I'm just me.


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